Diane Spencer
Diane Spencer is an award-winning UK based comedian, who has been delighting audiences with her mischievous, plummy and delightfully dark humour. She is best known for her online comedy specials which are hour long stand-up comedy shows filmed in various locations. She now has a growing online fanbase, with over 10K YouTube subscribers and 1.3 million views.
“She is a flame-haired, filth-firing force of nature, tossing the audience from open-mouthed incredulity to tear-filled guffaws.” – Sunday Express *****
“personable, hilarious and ballsy” Broadway baby ****
“Artists use paint to depict their work, Ms Spencer uses well-crafted words and stories to illustrate her art, words that ensured her set was full of genuine laugh out loud moments.” One4Review ****
“She invests it [sic] with such wonderful turns of phrase, killer punchlines and a gleeful delight in continually over-stepping the taste barrier” The List ****
“She possesses the natural delivery of a raconteur, and executes climactic punchlines well.” Festmag ****
“Half-horrifying, half-fascinating, all hilarious” The Skinny ****
Fri 7 Feb
Sat 8 Feb